
Life in Seville

La Giralda - Click to see past homepage photos
- Site Guide - explaining what you'll find in each section of this site.
- News in Seville for the visitor and People you'll see in the street.
- Don't have time for all the photo albums? Take a quick photo tour of Seville.

Fixed Fees for airport taxis
See the Giraldillo up close
Encarnación's market will have to wait

(more stories)

Welcome to, where you can find helpful information for the visitor, student or expat. I highly recommend you read the site guide to locate whatever you're looking for. My goal is to give you an insider's view of Seville with (almost) everything you need to know for your stay, whether you plan to visit, study or live in this wonderful city. In the case that you can't find the information you need I hope you'll locate it through my links page. You'll see information on my site in a format different from the typical tourist guides, giving you an insider's view of the city and how things really work in Seville. I know that locating what you need or preparing for your journey can be a lot of work and I give you my promise to answer every email I receive. So please feel free to contact me in English or Spanish should you have a question. Hope you enjoy the site...

Summer time is finally over in Seville and we seem to have braved the worst of the heat. Somewhat cooler temperatures now are making it easier to get around during the day. The rainy season is upon us, as the month of October has recently arrived! After almost 5 months without a drop of rain we're glad to see some change in the seasons.

The days are now shorter with the arrival of fall and the toldos (tarps) shading the streets are now coming down in the center of the city. La Liga, Spain's first division soccer league, is in full swing with Betis and Sevilla F.C. side by side in la tabla. La marcha returns to the center as bars and pubs are gearing up for the fall and winter business. We just got Digital Plus, so I'll be able to keep up with the football games back in the U.S.. Check out the links to the right and info below to learn more about Seville.


I love Seville. I always called it Sevilla until I started this page, so forgive me if I go back and forth with the spelling. After visiting several times and telling everyone I know for 10 years I wanted to live in Sevilla I finally decided to do it. I sold most everything I had, packed up what I could and came here with all my savings. If you want to see what everyday life is like in the city (or at least my everyday life), check out the daily entries section below.

Take a tour of Barrio Santa Cruz
La Juderia is also known as Barrio Santa Cruz - click for photo tour

I began to research Seville tourism and travel information on the web. I found some good sites but none that mentioned the bars and restaurants I frequented nor the hotels and hostals where most people I know stay. And while these pages offered tourist information about attractions, sites and culture in Seville (certainly helpful) they often didn't offer travel advice or insight into how things really work or the cutural differences you should expect.

This is where I hope you'll find my site helpful. Along with some basic travel information and recommendations I've tried my best to offer advice about the differences in daily life you'll encounter and the obstacles or issues you may face during your stay in Seville. I hope this helps you spend your time enjoying Seville and worrying less about making all the little decisions so you can have a great vacation, study experience or extended stay.

Sausages on the grill at the Feria de
las Naciones
Past Photos of the Week

The Plaza de Toros de Sevilla is one of the best venues in Spain to see a corrida. The season has just come to an end. For more pictures and a glimpse inside a bullfight see my photo album.


From money to mobile phones, accomodations to the sites, or technology and the internet, you can read a little about it all on my page,

You'll find some useful information about Seville. Some of my general observations have been put together to help you understand some of the quirks and differences of life here. Some conversion information on the Euro (€), kilos, commas and decimals should come in handy as well.

I've also included sections on transportation, shopping and nightlife (la marcha), as well as where to buy food when you're sick of eating out.

I know I can't cover it all when it comes to Seville, and with this collection of recommended books and some helpful links I hope to assist those of you looking for more information on some specific topics.

Finally, if you want to get out of town check out my section on side trips to steer you in the right direction.

I frequent many bars and restaurants in Sevilla, hoping to find a few surprises hidden in the back alleys. There are a few I've listed that you'll find in guidebooks - they are quite good after all - but many you won't. Some notes on the list:

  • Many are places where actual Spaniards eat, so don't expect a lot of English when you go.
  • Except for a few marked with "$$" these are affordable. I don't make any money with this page, so my dining out is generally on a realistic budget, not a Fodor's budget.
  • Every dish listed is a recommendation and I've tried every one of them. I don't weigh 300 lbs. yet but I'm working on it!
  • I'm not taking any advertising money so these are all fairly impartial unless you conside my personal tastes.

Here you will find several reviews of restaurants and tapas bars in Seville. This list will continue to grow as my stomach does.

MY LIFE HERE (some daily entries)

Tuesday, October 7th

"Emails and site work"

I've been receiving a lot of emails from folks recently, which is really wonderful. I hope to get to everyone within a day but sometimes it takes a little longer. If you have any questions or suggestions about the site please don't hesitate to contact me!

I've been busy with organizational work and ideas for new sections. Coming soon is some stuff on culture. You can see the updated links and basic info sections by clicking on the links to the top right (I'm too lazy to include them here). It's 3am and technically the 8th. We have a three day weekend coming up thank god. I'm tired so I'm off to bed...

Previous days


Site Guide
Dining Out
La Marcha 
Street Folks

next up
days until the derby! 

What information are you looking for? I want your opinion on what is the most helpful. Please email me with any suggestions so I can make this a better page.

Editor: Jeff Spielvogel
© 2003 All Rights Reserved