Cathedral and La Giralda
At this point these are pictures from the outside. Very
soon the pictures will include views from the top of the
Giralda as well as some of the inside of the Cathedral.
Inside the Cathedral
The tomb of Columbus? With the help of the FBI and some
new DNA analysis we may soon know if his remains reside
in the Cathedral. Included are views from the Giralda.

Located in the city center next to the Cathedral, the Alcazar
is one of the most visited sites in Seville and should not
be missed. Pictures of the inside and gardens just added.

de Toros
Thanks to Dave Barlag for providing me with some pictures
from a bullfight. You can see some of the action here, as
well as a few photos of the outside.
Not to be missed when you're here, Barrio Santa Cruz is
the old Jewish quarter or juderia located next
to the Cathedral and the Alcazar. With narrow streets and
plenty of plazas it's a great place to relax for a drink
or a stroll in the evening.

Plaza España After Renovations in 2011
The plaza was in bad shape after many years of neglect. Thankfully several years of renovations were put in and the Plaza is looking much better, even if the quality of some of the ceramic details isn't what it used to be!

Plaza España
Constructed for the 1929 World's Fair under the plans of
architect Anibal Gonzalez, the Plaza de España is
located on the edge of the Parque Maria Luisa.
Seville's town hall sites between Plaza Nueva and Plaza
San Francisco and is often a place to meet before heading
out for the night. The side on Plaza San Francisco is the
best to see the architectural details.

Casa de Pilatos
Famous 16th century house in Seville, it is located near
the Puerta Carmona. Pictures from the inside are on the
de Lebrija
This palace located on calle Cuna is perhaps the largest
collection of roman mosaics in Seville, besides any public
Museum. Venturing upstairs there is much more to the palace
than just the mosaics.

Plaza Salvador
The backdrop is the Iglesia Salvador, currently
closed for renovations. The plaza is another favorite meeting
place for a beer on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

Hospital de la Caridad
The church dates back to the 17th century and the building
still serves it's purpose as a refuge for the ill and less
fortunate. Works inside include two paintings from Juan
de Valdés Leal as well as the intricate altarpiece
work by Pedro Roldán.

Palacio de las Dueñas
Just down the street from our house is this Palace, home
of the Duquesa de Alba. Someday maybe she'll invite me for
a visit so I can take pictures of the inside...

Plaza del Cabildo
Across from the Cathedral and hidden through and alley you
will find this plaza, where the Sunday collectable market
is held. Also check out the Sunday
market photos.

Puerta Jerez
Near the University of Seville, Hotel Alfonso XIII and the
river, it's hard not to pass by the Puerta de Jerez when
you visit Seville.

Sevilla Romano
A few of the sites with Roman history. Around the center
you can get to them with little walking. I will soon add
a separate Italica photo album which is the most impressive
site just outside of the city.
City Wall in the Macarena
When considering the size and scope of the old city wall,
not much remains in the modern Sevilla. The best place to
get a glimpse is in the Macarena, just around the church.

Expo '92 site
So much promise in 1992, now it's half used while the other
half awaits renovations or new buildings. Still, some very
interesting architecture amid some of the "ruins"
from 12 years ago.
Maria Luisa
You can't get to the Plaza de España without going
through at least part of this park. Plenty of gardens in
this photo album. I will soon have more pictures of the
Plaza de America and much more.

de Murillo
Behind the walls of the Alcazar you'll find these gardens.
Most of my time spent there is on my way to the Betis games.

de la Buhaira
In what used to be the kings orchards, and before that an
Moorish military complex, you will find the Jardines de
la Buhaira. I happened to stop by during a flamenco fashion
show, so there are a few pictures from the runway as well.
Rio Guadalquivir
During the summer nights it's the place to be. Along the
river you can catch a glimpse of the Torre del Oro, the
Giralda and the Plaza de Toros to name just a few things.
Iglesia San Luis de los Franceses
Often skipped by visitors, this is one of my favorite churches.
More like a Museum as there are no longer any services held
in the church, it is well worth the 15 - 20 minute walk from
the center. One of the best examples of baroque architecture in the city of Seville.
Iglesia San Lorenzo
Located in the San Lorenzo neighborhood, the church shares the plaza with the Basilica del Gran Poder. The 14th century Gothic-Mudejar style church was altered significantly in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Iglesia San Marco
On calle San Luis in the Macarena neighborhood, this church was burned down during the Spanish Civil War, but has since been rebuilt. The interior of course suffered a lot of damage but the exterior is still impressive.
Iglesia San Martin
Between the calle Feria and the Alameda, this 15th century gothic church suffered significant damage after the earthquake of 1755 in Lisbon. Renovations after the earthquake included a baroque spire.
Iglesia San Pedro
Located in the city center, between the Santa Catalina neighborhood and the Plaza de la Encarnación. The 14th century church is where the famous painter Diego Velázquez was baptized.
Iglesia San Roman
The 14th century church was originally of Mudejar architecture, but renovated in the 17th and 18th century to a baroque style. It suffered serious damage in 1936, and was very recently renovated. My father-in-law remembers the tower as the sight of a machine gun turret during the Spanish Civil War.
Iglesia Santa Ana
The original church was constructed in the 13th century, although an earthquake in the 18th century and a fire during the Spanish Civil war damaged the church. It was restored in the 1970's and as one of Seville's largest churches it's worth a trip to Triana to see.
Iglesia Santa Cruz
In the heart of Santa Cruz on calle Mateos Gago, the church also can be seen from behind on calle Ximenez de Enciso. Built on the site of a former synagogue, the church is only a few minutes away from the Cathedral.
Iglesia de la Anunciación
On the corner of the Plaza de la Encarnación, this large 16th century church is in dire need of new lighting inside. This would help you see some of the amazing works inside including an altarpiece by Martínez Montañés.
Iglesia Capilla de la Piedad ("El Baratillo")
A very small church on calle Adriano in the Arenal neighborhood. The church is located adjacent to the Plaza de Toros and is the home of the Hermandad de "El Baratillo". The King once watched a procession from the balcony of the nearby Hotel Adriano (before it was a hotel).
Iglesia San Antonio Abad
In the middle of the shopping district, the Iglesia San Antonio Abad is well known for the Semana Santa procession "El Silencio", which is one of my favorite's during "La Madrugá". The church was formerly a hospital and small chapel which were later joined together during renovations.
Iglesia San Bartolomé
In the middle of the juderia section of Seville, the 18th century church stands on the former site of a synagogue. Aside from perhaps a few stones of the foundation there is nothing left to indicate it's past. Recently restored, it is in a wonderful corner of this quarter.
Iglesia San Buenaventura
On the calle Albareda just a few blocks from the Plaza Nueva. The 17th church is less impressive from the outside. The inside makes it worth a visit, plus you can stop by the bakery just in front: Horno San Buenaventura, one of the oldest in Seville.
Iglesia San Esteban
In the Puerta Carmona, the 14th century San Esteban church was built on the former site of a mosque, and is just a few doors down from the Casa de Pilatos. During Semana Santa locals gather to watch the floats leave: this is the lowest door in Seville, which makes the departures from the church very difficult.
Iglesia San Ildefonso
The neo-classical church was finished in the beginning of the 19th century, although much of the artwork inside dates further back - from 17th and 18th centuries. The twin towers make the church architecture fairly unique to Seville.
Iglesia San Isidoro
Just a block from the Plaza Alfalfa, the 14th century church is one of many Gothic-Mudejar churches which was likely built on the former site of a mosque. You can enjoy a nice meal outside in front of the church at Pizzeria Orsini!
Capilla del Rosario
A modern church just behind the Teatro de la Maestranza in the Arenal district. Very small, and not much of a sight from the outside. It is home to the brotherhood of "Las Aguas", formed by the fusion of two brotherhoods in 1977.
Capilla de la Pureza
This is one of the smallest chapels in Seville and you can only see it from the outside. Located in the Arenal quarter, it is part of the old city gate known as "El Postigo", and known as the home of the Virgen de la Pura y Limpia del Postigo del Aceite.
Capilla de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores
Attached to the Iglesia San marco is this small 18th century chapel. this area is filled with churches, convents and chapels and makes for a nice walk. Inside it is often dimly lit, but you can see images which make up part of "Los Servitas", one of the many processions during Semana Santa.
Iglesia del Buen Suceso
The 17th century church was restored and reopened sometime in 2008. Inside it is wonderful - baroque sculpture, altars and paintings - all of which make it one of my recommended visits!
Iglesia de Los Terceros
Located on the calle Sol, just a block from the Plaza de los terceros, construction began on this church in the early 17th century. It is home to the brotherhood of "La Cena", the float which represents the Last Supper during Holy Week.
Iglesia de la Magdalena
This former convent of St Paul is one of the best examples of Sevillian baroque architecture. The construction of the church in its current state dates to the 18th century. This is another church which feels much like a cathedral when you enter.
Iglesia Salvador 2008 - after restoration
Iglesia El Salvador was closed for several years after a stone fell from the ceiling. The restoration also took longer as they found important ruins from the former church and former principal city mosque. The renovations were very well done, and the church is more impressive than it ever was.
Iglesia San Andrés
The original gothic-mudejar church dates back to the 14th century, although renovations in the 18th century added many baroque touches. The plaza in front of the church is a favorite place for locals to grab a table at Bar Santa Marta and enjoy the view with dinner or lunch.
Basilica del Gran Poder
The main church was completed in the 1960's, although the brotherhood reaches as far back as the 15th century. The outside is of Sevillian Baroque style, while the inside is more austere, with the main hall built to mirror the Pantheon de Agripa in Rome.
Basilica de la Macarena
One of Seville's most famous churches, it was constructed in 1949 in what is referred to as an Andalusian Baroque style. Within the church the history reaches back several centuries when it comes to the principal "imagenes" of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, and the brotherhood (founded in the 16th century).
Iglesia Santa Marina
One of Seville's oldest gothic-mudejar churches, dating back as far as the 13th century, it was once a mosque. The church has had a difficult history, with damages from two earthquakes (1356 and 1755) as well as two fires (1864 and 1936). While work needs to be done outside, I like walking around this church to see the back.
Capilla de Santa María de la Paz (Antiguo Convento de la Paz)
Located on calle Bustos Tavera in the Santa Catalina neighborhood, the patio just behind the main doors has to be my favorite in all of Seville. During Semana Santa, the procession known as "La Mortaja", is one of silence and the ringing of the bell gives me escalofrios.
Capilla de Santa Maria de Jesus
Located in the Puerta de Jerez, this small chapel marks the entry to Avenida de la Constitución and is the last remnant standing of the former university site. The 16th century church has since benefited from Seville's re urbanization and has a more prominent position in the pedestrian plaza.
Convento de Santa Paula
For now you'll have to be content with a few pf my photos from the outside, as I am still planning to visit the Museum one day soon. The convento is located in the San Julian neighborhood, just a few blocks from the Iglesia San Marco.
Iglesia Convento Santa Isabel
Also with photos from just the outside, the convent is located in an area with several other churches and convents. The plaza in front of the main entrance is one of my favorites when things are cleaned up.
Iglesia Santa Maria la Blanca
Located in Plaza Santa Maria la Blanca the church was formerly a synagogue in the juderia, or old Jewish quarter of the city. The outside has been restored but the inside is still in need of renovations. Works by Murillo can be found inside.
Capilla de San Jose
The 18th century chapel is located between calles Sierpes and Tetuan, in the middle of the shopping district in Seville. The detail inside is wonderful, although I remember the church for the cultural association above it, which hosted a semi-illegal bar on the roof with wonderful views of the Cathedral. (It has been closed for many years).

Iglesia San Nicolas
Between Plaza Santa Maria la Blanca and Plaza Alfalfa you will find Iglesia San
Nicolas which dates to the 16th century. Inside there are plenty of interesting wood carvings and a large number of red marble

Iglesia Santa Catalina
A few blocks from my house, this church was once a mosque,
as you can see from the tower and the arch just inside the
doorway. Finally they have secured the money to renovate, so it is currently closed, but nice enough to walk around it and get a feel for the church My photos inside are from before the renovations began

Iglesia Santa Maria de Jesus
Located on Calle Aguilas just down the street from the Casa
de Pilatos. I will soon have a few photos of the outside
as well, although the inside is likely more interesting.
Semana Santa 2012
Our first real Semana Santa with Nicolas, our son! A little of everything, with processions from our balconies, to rain, to Nicolas' first Easter basket.
Semana Santa 2011
Unfortunate circumstances had me traveling during most of Semana Santa in 2011. We got some photos of a few processions which passed by our new apartment near the Plaza Alfalfa.

Semana Santa 2010
For 2010 we're back on the ground now that the office is no longer on the procession route. Some photos of a paso being moved before the processions, as well as of my nephew as a monoguillo.

Semana Santa 2009
The last year with our office window on calle Sierpes. This year less photos than 2008, but we managed some good shots of the processions from above.

Semana Santa 2008
In 2008 again I took too many photos. But we were lucky with the office window overlooking calle Sierpes and the official procession route. So there are a lot of good photos of the floats from up close!
Semana Santa 2007
A good mix of day and night photos from 2007. We made it out for several processions during La Madrugá, including the salida for the Macarena, which is always very crowded!
Semana Santa 2006
This is one of the largest Semana Santa albums - too many things and I took too many photos! You'll find them from every day of Holy Week with plenty of details!
Semana Santa 2005
From 2005 a collection of photos of the festivities. With my new zoom lens I was
able to get more details of the pasos. Also with two years
experience I was able to get closer to many as well!
Semana Santa 2005 - La Madrugá
FIghting the
crowds from midnight to 8am I had less energy to take photos,
plus it was dark! Still, I managed to get some good shots
around the Cathedral as well as our breakfast of chocolate
y churros.
Semana Santa 2004
This was the largest photo album of the bunch with maybe 100 photos.
Also compliments
the 2003 album as the rainy days were almost the opposite
of in 2004.

Semana Santa 2003
Seville photos wouldn't be complete
without Semana Santa.

Semana Santa: The Preparation!
Semana Santa
starts well before the actual date. There's a lot to do
whether you participate, work for the city or are simply
a spectator. Get a small glimpse into some of the work before
the event that takes over the center of the city for a week.

Feria de Abril 2012
Our first trip to the Feria with Nicolas! See some photos from the Ferris wheel as well as an advertisement for a pizza in the form of the Betis team crest (which has nothing to do with the Feria, but it's cool).

Feria de Abril 2010
We made it for two nights and a day. One night as invited guests to a caseta, then back with the kids for a day of rides and a night with more buñuelos and chocolate.

Feria de Abril 2009
You'll only get a few photos form this year - the main gate for the Feria, a few from a bar. We just didn't make it to see much!

Feria de Abril 2008
We missed the 2007 installment but made it back for 2008. This year a few days at the Feria with time for rides, games, an expensive dinner at the Feria as well as finishing the night off with buñuelos and chocolate.

Feria de Abril 2006
Only a few photos from the year 2006 from our visit one night. Enough for a short trip to the calle de infierno for a few rides and some chocolate con churros to finish the night.

Feria 2005
- Alumbrao
Some nighttime action from my trip during the first night,
or alumbrao. We were able to sneak into a few private
tents, plus make a trip down the Calle de Infierno!

Feria 2005
- daytime
A few pictures from the day time activity including horses
and some sevillanas. These photos come courtesy
of Sean!

Feria 2003
Again thanks to Dave Barlag, who made it to the Feria in
2003, you can get a glimpse of some of the daytime action.
Cristi 2011
In late June the balconies are decorated and altars erected
throughout the center of the city. Plaza San Francisco,
next to the Ayuntamiento is decorated and everyone celebrates
In late June the balconies are decorated and altars erected
throughout the center of the city. Plaza San Francisco,
next to the Ayuntamiento is decorated and everyone celebrates

Cruz de mayo
Practicing for a future role in Semana Santa, the younger
generation decorates floats or pasos and marches
around the street in what I like to think of as "Semana Santa Junior".

Cruz de mayo in Colegio Italica
Every year in Colegio Italica (local school) they organize a brief Cruz de mayo as a class project. The procession lasts about 5 minutes and is more chaos than anything else - what you'd expect from kids this age!

Cruz de mayo in Calle Gerona
PA year before we moved from our old apartment in Calle Gerona some kids put together a nice cruz de mayo with the help of their parents, friends and family. We made it the San Andrés church for a beer in Bar Santa Marta.
El Rocío leaving from Seville
Ok, I confess I didn't go - those crowds trying to touch
the Virgen are just a little too crazy for me. But I captured
a few images of the pilgrimage as it made it's way through
Sevilla towards the final destination.
El Rocío from Umbrete
From family in Umbrete who used their own camera. You can
tell the photos are not as high resolution, but there is
something about them which makes it look they came from
the 1950's. Or maybe that's the way some people were dressed!

Festival de las Naciones
Running through the month of October the Festival de las
Naciones in the Prado de San Sebastian gives you a chance
to sample food , shop and watch dance, music and other performances
from around the world.
Food Market
Whether shopping for fruit, seafood, meat and vegetables
Seville's food markets, or mercados, have
just about everything you need for a good dinner. Open
everyday until 3pm except Sundays in various locations

Alfalfa Animal Market - MOVED / CLOSED
This market HAD more dogs, cats, parrots and parakeets than
anything else. But also fish (the kind you take
home in a bowl, not the kind you eat), lizards, rabbits,
gerbils, chinchillas and a few other strange animals. You
can also pick up bird cages and lots of other pet care supplies. This market moved to Torneo along the river but I have not been so cannot confirm if it is still operating (June 2012).
del Cabildo Collectibles Market
Here you will find mainly stamps and coins, but other items
such as pins, semi-precious stones, antique watches, military
medals and even phone cards (yes, they collect those, too!).
You can also enjoy the surroundings in the Plaza, which
is a site to see even when the market isn't there. Sundays
until 2pm.
Market - El Jueves
El Jueves on Calle Feria is the oldest market in
Sevilla, dating back centuries. You'll find everything from
furniture to antiques, old electronics, paintings, posters
and a LOT of other stuff. Thursdays until 2:30pm.
Art Market
Down the street from El Corte Inglés in the center
and next to the Museum of Bellas Artes you can find paintings
and sketches as well as a few other pieces from local artists.
They range in styles and scenes, from your typical Sevillano
patio realistically brought to life to an abstract of who
knows what. Sundays until 2pm.
in Triana
Head to Triana, just across the bridge, take a right after
the market and you'll find a lot of ceramics stores to choose
from. While out with some family looking for gifts I snapped
a few photos inside the stores.
The typical Andalusian patio can be found almost everywhere
in Seville. On the weekend's you often get a chance to peer
through the gates of the older houses and get a good view.
This photo album will continue to grow as I see more of
them on my weekend walks.
Remember, this is a section of "different" photo
albums. Some of the many "faces" of the sidewalks
you'll cover while here, many have been plucked from Plaza
Salvador, and a few from Cádiz, Córdoba and

I don't know what else to call it - you'll see doors, windows
and other bits around which look like they took a long time
to make. Rather than a plain jail-cell looking set of bars
these make a statement.

Graffiti and Other Strange Things
This is a start and the album will continue to grow. Some
graffiti plus other strange things I had to take photos
of while in Seville or traveling around Andalucia.

Sevilla Antigua
Take a look at Sevilla in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
- a lot is still standing but some buildings and sites have

Dedicated to the world's best beer. I know many with other
tastes may laugh, but I am 100% serious!

El Corte Ingles Supermarket
I didn't intend to make a photo album of this but was there
with a camera one day, so what the hell. You can see the
inside of Plaza del Duque location.

My first photo album on the site, with a general
mix of tourist plus every day scenes including my neighborhood.

Seville II
My second photo album on the site with more scenes from
my neighborhood, Santa Catalina, including a walk down my
One of the two first division teams in Seville, Real Betis
Balompie is the team to see here (I'm a betico,
so I am biased). Wearing the green and white colors
of Andalucia, the team was just outside of an invitation
to Champions the year of this album..
Betis to La Copa del Rey Finals!
After 120 minutes of a lot of action and no score, Betis
won over Athletic Bilbao in Bilbao thanks to Doblas stopping
two penalties. This album is the aftermath in Plaza Nueva,
when beticos from all over the city converged in
the center for a celebration!
Betis 1 - Sevilla 0!
A few images from the May 2005 match up where Betis beat
up on cross town rival Sevilla. This was part of the nightmare
week for sevillistas, as they lost to Betis and
then watched us advance to the finals of the Copa del Rey.

Celtic-Oporto (UEFA Championship)
The UEFA championship game was played in Seville this year
between Celtic and Oporto. While Oporto won the game, the
Celtic fans were everyone's favorite here.