Wednesday, November 12th "Return to Málaga; Work, no rest" 7:40am train to Málaga - six hours of meetings - 8:08 train back to Sevilla which arrived at 10:45pm...that was my day yesterday, plus an unexpected stop on the train in Bobadilla for an hour. For reasons still no known we spent an hour on the tracks at the station. Finally they led us off the train and onto two buses for an hour trip to Málaga. Instead of arriving at 10:05am I got there around 12pm. took the bus which dropped me at the airport and then caught a cab to the parque tecnologico for a series of meetings. Left around 6pm and it took 55 minutes to get to the train station where I managed to miss an earlier train by about 5 minutes. I saw enough traffic in Málaga to make me never want to get back into a car. The train trip did allow me to get to my task lists and organize a lot to pass the time - a nice advantage of letting someone else do the "driving" and making travel time productive. There's been a lot of work recently on many sites and between quotes, meetings and the preparation I've had little time to do much else. So my apologies to those of you expecting emails. They'll be coming really soon, at least as soon as I catch my breath.