
Explore Seville


derby number 1
El Rinconcillo. See past homepage photos

Welcome to Exploreseville, where you can find helpful information for the visitor, student or expat. I highly recommend you read the site guide to locate whatever you're looking for. If you're looking for pictures but don't have time for all the photo albums, you can take a quick photo tour of Seville. To keep you informed about what's going on in Sevilla check out the sections below for daily updates.

May in Seville: Spring in Seville is the best time to visit, and perhaps the hardest time to find a hotel or hostal! May is when it starts to get hot, but if you're lucky you will find a cool day here and there. Adopt the local schedule: eat around 14:00 and then take a siesta during the hottest part of the day. In and around the streets of the center you can find a Cruz de Mayo or two. If you are still looking for the Feria then take the AVE at the end of the month for Cordoba's Feria. If you like fur then head to the Parque del Alamillo for the Dog Festival (as I am calling it). The Museum of Fine Arts (Museo de Bellas Artes) has two exhibits through July: La Planchadora by Picasso is on loan from the Guggenheim, and the works of Murillo, Zurbarán, Picasso, and Valdés Leal amongst others are featured in the exhibit El agua en la pintura andaluza. If you want to catch a fútbol match while you're in town, check out the combined home schedule for Real Betis and Sevilla F.C. Sevilla FC is trying to stay in Champion's League position as well as fight for the league crown (boooo!), and you can catch a match against Zaragoza. For Betis the goal is to stay in 1st division as they take on rivals just next to them in the league table: Gimnastic and Osasuna. Finally, as you walk around the city take note of the many changes in the plazas and streets in the center which are now more pedestrian friendly: Plaza Nueva, Avda Constitución, the Plaza de la Pescaderia and the soon to be completed Alameda. You can find more information on all of these activities in Seville (and more) in the Events & Exhibits section. If you're looking to rent an apartment, or find a hostal or hotel in Seville, check out the recently updated section. I also recommend checking out sevilla5.com where you'll find me just about every day. Plenty of options from budget to the extravagant!



Hotels and Hostels in Sevilla
From 5 stars to budget - book online!



Feria in Cordoba
Sevilla vs. Zaragoza
Betis vs. Gimnastic
Betis vs. Osasuna
XIII Fiesta de los Perros
Cruces de Mayo
Exhibit: El agua en la pintura andaluza
Exhibit: "La Planchadora" by Picasso
Tour Iglesia Salvador



Plaza renovations in the center
Watch Semana Santa live online
Starbucks continues to choke the center
Bike lanes everywhere; Rental bikes coming soon
Metro Centro work in the center
Finally, another Rayas!
Contenedor - foods from around the world
Sleepngo.com - shared flats and hostals
Museo del Baile Flamenco

Sevilla photo albums
Over 55 albums of Sevilla and Spain



Semana Santa in Seville

Feria de Abril

It's that time of year again, as we get closer to spring, Seville is at it's best. Semana Santa is the first sign that the season has arrived, with the Feria de Abril just around the corner. Arising from my winter hibernation, I recently noticed on my way to work a large banner hanging over Calle San Esteban, advertising robes and capirotes for the thousands of nazarenos who will march through the streets of Seville. Joining them will be costaleros, floats, "marching" bands, and of course hundreds of thousands of people! The time has come, and for those of you visiting Seville you'll need some time to prepare. To help you get ready, check out my Guide to Semana Santa in Seville.


During most years we only have two weeks to rest between Semana Santa and the Feria de Abril. This year is an exception, with just over a week torest our weary feet and prepare for several days and nights of sevillanas, horses, and fino. It all begins with a little pescaito frito on Monday night, and often ends with chocolate and churros sometime after two in the morning. Throw in some clowns, carnaval games and rides to make your head spin (if the rebujitos do not). The largest of all the ferias in Spain, hundreds of thousands will come to visit. Seville for the Feria de Abril. You can learn more about the event in my section dedicated to the event: Feria de Abril in Seville.




Geographic center of Seville
Past Photos of the Week

Just a block from the new (and still unfinished) market in Plaza de la Encarnación, you will find this shell and plaque indicating the very center of the city of Seville. While the true center of the city has likely changed amidst the urban sprawl, the shell is still accurate when considering the casco antiguo, or old city center. I've heard the fact tossed around that Seville has the largest intact old city center in all of Europe. (I'm still investigating if this is a firm fact - let me know if you know for sure). Nonetheless, there is plenty to explore in one of the largest old city centers in Europe. For some ideas take a look at the following sections on the site: 57 Things to do in Seville, Sights & Monuments, and of course Transportation, to get you around.

From money to mobile phones, accommodations to the sites, or technology and the internet, you can read a little about it all here. You'll find some useful information as well as a few of my general observations on life and culture in Sevilla to help you understand some of the quirks and differences of life here. I've also included sections on tourist info such as transportation, shopping, nightlife (la marcha), hotels and hostals as well as where to buy food when you're sick of eating out. With some recommended books and helpful links I hope to assist those of you looking for more information on some specific topics. Finally, if you're looking for a more long term stay in Seville take a look at the living and moving sections.


I frequent many tapas bars and restaurants in Sevilla, hoping to discover a few surprises hidden in the back alleys. I've also added international and vegetarian options. And with some recent work, the sections have been reworked and launched, with even more informatio. Soon to come: some photos and helpful tips on eating out. I've broken down the restaurants in Sevilla by neighborhood, but even if you don't know Sevilla that well you shouldn't have any problems locating these places with a map! And of course I've added a number of new places to eat and there are now over 60 bars and restaurants, from places for locals only (until you show up!), tapas or a complete meal.

MY LIFE HERE (some daily entries)

Friday October 14th
"Rain! Sun!"

So much talk about the weather….rain! After many months of nothing but sun it has been a nice change, although a city in the rain is nothing more than dirty. But we know fall has arrived when you have 5 straight days of rain. And I am thankful of something resembling a change of the seasons. As I prepare to spend an afternoon waiting in line for tickets to the Betis-Chelsea match I only hope it let’s up a little. I’m expecting no organization and plenty of pushing and chaos similar to last year. The price you pay for being a season ticket holder, I guess. Should be a lot of fun!

Update: The line was very long and thankfully we arrived 2 hours in advance to be the first group of 25 to enter. Still amazing to see the guys behind the ticket window sort through 30 boxes of tickets to hand-pluck each ticket. Total time spent, including transport, was 4 hours. And the weather has taken a nice turn. Now things are cool and crisp – this is one of the best times to be in Seville!

Update: things must be very boring now for me to talk about the weather. Not true, but it's Friday and there's work to be done and I am tired. Time for a beer and a siesta.

Previous days


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Photos of Spain
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Semana Santa
Feria de Abril
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Editor: Jeff Spielvogel
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