Granada |
Doing your best with money and exchange rates in Granada
means you need to know about the Euro, banks, ATM's, credit
cards and travelers checks. Understanding your best options
and preparing for them before your trip can save you a significant
amount of money. If you are looking for the current exchange
rate you can find it through's
currency converter or the graph below. Keep in
mind that the rate will generally be a little worse than
what you see on either of these examples. If you want to
see more of what the Euro looks like you can do so below.
Every bit counts, and below I'll cover the basics to saving
those bits.
Granada |
On January 1, 2002 Spain officially change to the Euro along
with 12 other countries in the EU who decided to adopt the
new currency. Those 12 countries are:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxemburg
- The Netherlands
- Portugal
- Spain
the absence of the UK, Denmark and Sweden, which recently
voted to keep their own currency rather than change to the
Euro. Otherwise the Euro has made things a lot easier for
travellers who now do not have to exchange money every time
they cross a different border. While many miss the peseta
few would disagree that coins are now easier to manage.
Around 1992 Spain introduced a whole new set of coins for
the peseta. Until the switch to the Euro you had to manage
almost two of every coin (i.e.: two types and sizes of 25
peseta coins, two types and sizes of 50 peseta coins, etc.).
To make it worse there were many machines for drinks, food,
etc. which only took one type of coin.
Currency switch in Spain
In Spain there was a rush to convert pesetas earned in the
black market (money not undeclared to the government) to
Euros before the January 1st switch. Many chose real estate
as a good way to "legitimize" their undeclared
pesetas and this led to a steep increase in property values
within the cities. The result has been prices for real estate.
Most Spaniards still think in pesetas. Some stores still
show the price in both pesetas and euros, and the shopkeepers
are even more likely to convert to pesetas when discussing
the price of an item with you. In the overwhelming majority
of my conversations with Spaniards about salaries, real
estate, cars and a half dozen other topics they still refer
to the amount in pesetas. The result is confusion for me
as I tend to think in Euros and dollars. If you want to
keep up with amounts as they talk about them here then familiarize
yourself with the following calculations:
- 1€ = 166 pesetas
- 100 pesetas = 0.66 €
What does it look like?
So what does the Euro look like? All coins share the same
front but there is a different design for each country on
the back. There are also different sizes and thickness of
each coin so they are easily distinguished from one another.
Below are photos of each of the eight Euro coins. Place
your mouse over each one and await a second to see what
the back looks like in Spain.
is the set of seven Euros in bill form. There are different
sizes for bills so they are easily distinguished from one
another but unlike the coins they do not have a different
reverse side for each country. I haven't seen too many of
those 500€ bills yet!
Travelers Checks, Cash and Credit Cards
day of the travelers check is over for me and a lot of people
traveling in Europe. However it is generally wise to maybe
have a few checks with you, although my last 6 trips to
Spain (before moving) were all with about $50 in cash (which
I never spent) and my ATM card. There are ATM's almost everywhere
in the center thanks to the '92 Expo, and most support Plus,
Cirrus, MAC and other popular systems. Just look for the
signs next to the ATM or on the display itself. You will
get the best rates from ATM's and I have yet to be charged
a fee for using them aside from what my bank charges
me. When exchanging the last of my U.S. dollars here at
a bank I received a rate of 1.14 and was charged a commission
of $5 (I could have done a bit better had I looked around).
When I used my ATM to withdraw money that same day I received
a rate of 1.09 plus the $0.75 my bank charges for me to
use an ATM outside of their own system. (Note this was originally
written when the exchange rate was much better!) The lesson:
if you like to walk around for half a day and look for the
best exchange rate, wait in line at a bank, get charged
commission and still get a rate worse than an ATM, then
bring cash and traveler's checks. If you prefer convenience
and a better rate take your ATM card. ATMs are easy to use
and all offer English as well as other languages. Sometimes
the language can be cryptic: many refer to your checking
account as your "current account", but that's
about as diffcult as it gets. A note: don't
panic if one ATM doesn't work with your card - I have found
several which advertise the Plus system that refuse my card
for some reason. The next day the same machine may accept
my card, so if it doesn't work the first time move on to
the next ATM. If I were traveling today knowing little about
Spain I would recommend the following mix of credit cards,
cash, traveler's checks, etc.:
- Visa,
American Express and Master Card. You'll be just fine
without the Master Card, though.
- $200
in travelers checks in case you lose everything
- $100
in cash, and plan to come back with all of it.
- My
personal checkbook...why? With an American Express green
& white card you can go to the nearest
American Express office and cash a personal check.
I did make the mistake once of bringing my American Express
Blue card instead of the old green and white. Seems they
will only cash your personal checks at the office with
the green and white card, so keep that in mind if you
plan to go this route.
- Locate an American Express office
- Locate any VISA/Plus ATM
- Locate any MasterCard ATM
are generally open from Monday-Friday from 8:30am-2pm and
sometimes on Saturday from 8:30am-1pm. From May to September
they are often closed on Saturdays. Expect to wait in line
much longer than you likely wait back home, and in some
places you need to take a number and wait your turn. You
need your passport to exchange money and some banks will
allow you to use your credit card to make a cash advance.
As I mentioned above, all banks will charge a commission
when exchanging money or traveler's checks. If you need
to exchange money at night or some odd hour try El
Corte Inglés or a nicer hotel, although the rates
will be less favorable. In every case it will be better
to use an ATM than change money in a bank. In every case
it will also be better to change money in a bank rather
than an exchange house.
should you open a bank account in Spain? If you are living
here for a year or longer there are many reasons to consider
doing so, especially if you plan to get your own apartment
and handle your own utilities. Some of the things a bank
account will help you with:
- Mobile
phones - you can recharge your mobile
phone at any ATM, which you cannot do with a Visa or ATM
card from outside of Spain in most cases. You can also
get a contract phone instead of pre paid or tarjeta,
phone, which will be cheaper in the long run. Some
offices for Vodafone, Amena and Telefonica may tell you
that you need a NIF (like a social security number), but
other offices will let you set up a contract using your
passport number.
- Utilities
- some practically require that you have a bank account,
and if not setting up an automatic draft from your account
is much easier than going to the bank or a central office
during set hours, waiting in line and paying cash.
- Health
- almost every company covering foreigners requires a
bank draft for health insurance and will not make other
- Bank
- avoid being charged the transaction fee from your bank
back home every time you take out money.
- Safety -
keeping your money in a bank instead of a shoe box in
your house is always safer. Also, many people withdraw
up to their limit from their home bank account to limit
the effect of the transaction fee (smart), but have to
carry that cash back home with them (sometimes risky)
- Getting
- whether you're working legal or not it's always good
to have a bank account where your employer or the person
paying you for contract work can make a transfer from
their bank. Helps with the safety issue mentioned above
as you don't have to carry a large sum of money home with
a bank account as a non-resident in Spain is very simple.
You will need to open a cuenta no-residente, or
a non-resident account. Once you become a resident you can
quickly change it over to a resident account, generally
with no charges. They require a picture ID and most will
accept a driver's license from home although a passport
will make it a little easier. Some banks have different
charges for non-resident accounts while others offer the
same services (and fees) regardless of whether you are a
resident or not. Cajas, much like credit unions in the U.S.,
offer cheaper fees but may charge you for other things when
opening a non-resident account. I took into account not
only the fees but also the banks network of ATM's or cajeros
automaticos, to avoid fees for withdrawing from machines
outside of my banks network. All offered online banking
at no charge, although there may be some which charge a
fee for this..
- maintenance
- charged monthly or every 6 months
- card
- charged annually and you may have your choice of cards
with different fees
- per
transaction - some banks will charge you
for every movimiento or transaction. Others do
not, or give you a certain amount per month free

When comparing places to exchange money always check the rate
and the commission, especially in currency exchange
houses. Some places offer better rates but charge a higher
commission. You'll have to do the math yourself, but it
is easy to see how a $6 commission on $100 exchange could
outweigh the 0.2 difference in rate. Unless you desperately
need Euros exchanging at an excahnge house, the train station
or airport should be avoided. If
you are looking for an approximate exchange rate for today
check out's
converter or the graph above. With the current rates
it is no longer so "cheap" to travel in Spain.
I miss the days of the peseta.