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Spanish to English Food Dictionary for Seville and Spain

aceite oil
aceite de girasol oil, sunflower
aceite de oliva oil, olive
aceite vegetal oil, vegetable
aceituna olive
acelgas swiss chard (greens)
adobo marinade typically consisting of vinegar, parsley and garlic
agua water
aguacate avocado
aguardiente liquor also known as firewater
ahumado smoked
ajo garlic
alas wing
albahaca basil
albóndiga meatball, in the south typically a mixture of pork and beef.
alcachofa artichoke
alcaparras capers
aliños condiment typically for salad
alioli garlic mayo
alitas wing, as in chicken wing
almejas clams
almendra almond
anchoa anchovy
anguila eel
anís liquor - flavored with aniseed
apio celery
arandano berry, two types: sometimes blueberries (rare) but more often a cranberry
arenque herring
arroz rice
arroz con leche dessert dish
asado roasted, often times you will see stores selling pollos asados (roast chicken)
atún tuna
avellanas hazelnuts
azafran saffron
azúcar sugar


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