
English to Spanish Food Dictionary for Seville and Spain

palm - hearts of palm palmita
papaya papaya
paprika pimenton (dulce o picante)
parsley perejil
partridge perdiz
pastries pasteles
pastry sultana
pastry suspiros
pastry with meat or seafood filling empanada
pastry with tuna and tomato sauce filling empanada gallega
pastry with veal/beef empanada de ternera
pastry, like churros porras (but thicker, and more doughy)
paté paté
peach melocotón
peanuts cacahuete
pear pera
peas guisantes
pepper - red, dried spicy pepper guindillas
pheasant faisán
pickle pepinillo
pig - roast, suckling cochinillo
pigs face pestorejo
pigs feet manitas de cerdo
Pineapple piña
plum ciruela
pomegranate granada
pompano palometa
pop-corn palomitas
pork cerdo
pork chops, boneless cintas de lomo
pork cracklings or rind chicharro
pork fat tocino
pork loin lomo
pork rind, fried; or cracklings chicharrones
pork sausage, typically cured chorizo
pork sausage, typically cured salchichón
pork sausage, typically cured caña de lomo
potato patata
potato chips patatas fritas
potato omelette tortilla
prawns langostina
prunes ciruelas pasas
prunes pasas
pumpkin calabaza



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