
English to Spanish Food Dictionary for Seville and Spain

saffron azafran
salad ensalada
salad dressing aliños
salad, mixed ensalada mixta (with tuna fish, hardboiled egg, in general salad with more ingredients)
salmon salmón
salt sal
sandwich, larger bocadillo (served cold on chewy bread. Typical varieties include jamon (ham), chorizo (sausage), tortilla and atun (tuna)
sandwich, small and served hot montadito
sangría sangría (consisting of fruit juice, wine, liquor and fruit.)
sardines sardinas
sauce salsa
saurel palometa
sausage salchicha
scallop vieira
scallops vieiras
scrambled eggs revuelto
seabass lubina
seafood stew zarzuela
shellfish (in general sense) mariscos
sherry jérez
sherry manzanilla
sherry - dry fino
shoulder chop, as in lamb espadilla
shoulder cut of meat paleta
shrimp gambas
shrimp - very small camarónes
sliced meats chacina (see fiambre)
smoked ahumado
snails caracoles
snails, larger cabrillas
sole lenguado
soup guiso
soup sopa
soup, cold tomato soup gazpacho (generally made with green pepper, cucumber, onion, bread, garlic and olive oil, but variations exist. Served in a bowl (cuenco) or glass (vaso) depending on the restaurant or bar)
soy soja
spices especias
spicy, pickled, escabeche (as in Mejillones en escabeche (pickled canned mussels)
spinach espinacas
spinach, stewed with chick peas espinacas con garbanzos
squash calabacín
squid calamares
squid - smaller chipirones (common dish is chipirones a la plancha (grilled squid)
stew guiso
stew cocido
stew estofado
stew potaje
stew puchero
strawberry fresa
sugar azúcar
sunflower seeds pipas
sunflowers girasol
sweet potato batata
sweetbread, brains mollejas
sweets dulces
swiss chard acelgas
swordfish pez espada



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